Mother‘s Corn

Smile Angel Sippy Cup

Release time:2023-01-04 10:02:47 update:管理员

The designer of Mother's Cron Smiling Angel Straw Cup has over ten years of experience in designing baby products and has won the IF Design Award four times. As a father of two children, 

he wanted all children to have access to a stylish and safe straw cup that could also help parents.

 With this in mind, the Mother's Cron Smiling Angel Straw Cup was developed.

It features a cute smiling face design paired with a large curved handle, resembling a little angel waving its wings. It represents a mother's smile, comforting babies during their first experiences with a straw cup.

The cup lid and handle are made from BIO-PE, an environmentally friendly material derived from sugarcane. 

The eco-friendly packaging is 100% recyclable, aligning with Mother's Cron's commitment to protecting the 

Earth and providing the best for babies from the beginning.

 It offers a comfortable and reassuring drinking experience for milk and water.
